Assam TET 2019 OMR Sheet-TET Specimen OMR PDF and Guidelines
Assam TET 2019 Online Apply closed by Elementary Education Assam on 17-09-2019. TET Exam 2019 Assam will be scheduled to be held on 10th November 2019. Assam TET 2019 New Exam Date declared by TET Empowered Committee by official Notification on 18-09-2019. Previously Assam TET 2019 Examination was scheduled for 20-10-2019. Now the Assam TET 2019 Examination for LP & UP section will be held on 10-11-2019.
Assam TET 2019 OMR Sheet-TET Specimen OMR PDF and Guidelines
Assam TET Instructions for candidates
Physically Handicapped candidates will be given an additional 20 minutes per hour.
The calculator is not allowed in the exam hall.
Any communication device or electronic device is not allowed inside the exam center.
No, any Food item should not be taken inside the exam hall.
Candidates must not take notes, papers or copies inside the exam hall.
TET Assam Admit Card 2019 and other required documents on the day of the exam.
Reach the examination center on time.
Carefully Read & Follow instructions printed on the Assam TET hall ticket.
Assam TET 2019 Medium of question paper:
Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Hindi, English
Assam TET 2019 Examination Pattern:-
The pattern for both the papers in ASSAM TET 2019 is more or less similar. However, the sections and their difficulty level vary as per the paper is chosen. Here are the highlights:
TET Papers
Paper I(Lower Primary Level)
Paper-II (Upper Primary Level)
Mode of Exam - Written Examination
Type of Question - MCQ
Total Marks - 150
Total Questions - 150
Exam Time 2 hours 30 Minute
Exam language - Assamese,Bodo,Bengali,Hindi,English
Assam TET Syllabus 2019 Short summary:
ASSAM TET Paper 1: Questions from Child Development, Learning & Pedagogy, 1st Language, 2ndLanguage, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies are asked.
ASSAM TET Paper 2: Candidate will have an option in the fourth subject between Mathematics/Science and Social Studies.
The ASSAM TET exam 2019 for LP & UP level will be scheduled for October 2019. The recruitment exam is conducted for Primary and Upper Primary Level teachers in various schools of the State of Assam
Assam TET 2019 Examination Pattern Short Summary
Only MCQ type questions will be asked in Assam TET 2019.
There will be 5 sections available of 30 marks in Assam TET 2019.
1 mark will be given for the right answer.
A total of 150 marks includes each paper of the Assam TET 2019.
Total No 150 Multiple Choice Questions will be asked in Assam TET 2019.
There will be no negative marking for the wrong answer.
Assam TET 2019 Duration of examination:
150 Minutes)for Paper-I and 2 ½ hours (150 Minutes) for Paper-II. An additional 20 minutes’ time (per hour) will be there for visually impaired candidates.
Assam TET 2019 Minimum Marks for qualifying in TET:
A candidate is required to score 60 % i.e. 90 marks out of 150 to qualify the Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET). However, for SC/ST (Hills)/ST (Plain)/OBC/MOBC/PWD (PH), there will be a relaxation of 5 %. Thus, for these candidates, qualifying marks will be 83 out of 150 i.e. 55 %
There will be no negative marking.
Assam TET 2019 Validity:
The validity of the Mark sheet cum Certificate of TET shall be for 7 (seven) years from the date of issue of the certificate by the Empowered Committee TET, Govt. of Assam.
Assam TET 2019 OMR Sheet
Assam TET 2019 Exam is scheduled to be held on 10-11-2019 after seven years. So, there are lots of candidates who are going to appear in the TET exam for the first time. So we have prepared a practice OMR Sheet for the Candidate. This OMR Sheet may not be the same as the Original OMR Sheet but hope that it will help you and give you an idea about the Assam TET 2019 OMR Sheet. This is for Speiciman only not an Official copy, Candidate can prepare for Fill up the Assam TET 2019 OMR Sheet correctly.